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The Office

So... I work from home for part of my day and I found this great pic of the office on my camera yesterday! I am very lucky to have such a nice job with a great boss.
The company is 180 Networks and I answer the phones, schedule appointments, do the invoicing, run errands, and generally make my boss' life easier.

And in the afternoon...

I get to play with kids! I work at Zia Montessori Preschool as an aftercare assistant. I am currently working towards becoming more of a teacher to the little angels that I work with. We have a new director and she is giving some teacher training next week...I'm excited! She is also interested in having me take some more training to become Montessori certified and perhaps even begin taking classes for a teaching degree. What a nice compliment! I'll keep you posted.


Sarah said...

I'm glad you found some satisfying work! Sounds like a nice way to spend your days.

faf said...

love the pic on your computer. teaching is great! maybe we'll both become some great teachers together!

Gingeralex said...

Sounds like you have some wonderful opportunities ahead of you and I'm so excited for you. Working with kids is amazing.

howie said...

I'm happy for you. I have that same pic in my "billiard" room. I have one of you and a friend in the woods at the farm. I love that one.