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September is Try Yoga Month

Yoga has been known to be helpful for all sorts of body strengthening, healing, toning, pain relief, cardiovascular health and breathing assistance, and a whole bunch of other down right good effects.

In September Yoga studios all over the nation are offering free yoga classes to new students. Do a little research into locations near you and what type of Yoga they offer. Then depending on what your needs are, you can choose a week's worth of free treatment. You can try something new, and you can meet some new people. Sounds pretty good to me!

and going with the Power of 10 theme...

10 Reasons to Try Yoga in September.

Go here to find a participating studio near you.
New students only, one week free!
Go get bendy, free yourself of that pain that you can't reach, relax, relieve stress, or just get a workout for the week.

Did I mention it's free!

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